What Personality Traits do Treasurers Have?

What personality traits should make a good treasurer? The results of the Treasurer Test help to better understand a candidate’s natural predisposition to specific personality traits. Editor of the Treasurer Test, Máximo Santos Miranda, gives us his take on what the most important personality traits are that treasurers should have.

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In Search of Treasurer Excellence

Is there an ideal skillset and personality of a treasurer? Can we see common denominators among the treasury population? What is in the handbook “finding a treasurer”? Pieter de Kiewit and team Treasurer Search speak about this all the time, as their clients ask about this but also because it is part of the essence of their work. They discussed some observations on how challenging it can be to find “the treasurer” for the job in their recruitment work, and how the Treasurer Test can ease this challenge. Read the article below.


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Treasury Career Service – Find new possibilities in your Treasury Career!

After marriage, children, and buying a home, career decisions are the most important for many of us. An increasing number of people want to create conscious career directions for themselves. On their initiative or of their employers. Adriana Ciuche, certified Treasury coach and treasuryXL, house of the Treasurer Test, found each other in the “Treasury Career Service“. This is a service that helps (aspiring) treasurers create a foundation for their careers.

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Objectifying and Clarifying the Treasury Match

Treasurer Search, a partner of the Treasurer Test, noticed an increased number of candidates taking the Test. In this blog, Pieter de Kiewit tells us two examples where the Treasurer Test helps them with recruitment processes.


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Career Calibration and the Treasurer Test

Contributor to the Treasurer Test, Pieter de Kiewit (Founder & Owner of Treasurer Search), explains in this article how the Treasurer Test adds value to a usual calibration meeting.

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Example Question #1 | Treasurer Test

How is your Treasury knowledge? Today we investigate your Treasury Expertise and ask you an example question that you might face when taking the Treasurer Test

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Launch of the Treasurer Test 2.0, the new version of the assessment tool for Corporate Treasurers

treasuryXL announces the launch of the Treasurer Test 2.0, the new version of the assessment tool for Corporate Treasurers.

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The Launch of Treasurer Test 2.0 Is Just Around The Corner. Why and How did We Create a New Version?

In 2017 we created the Treasurer Test, an online, peer-based assessment that measures the technical knowledge in treasury and the personality profile of the candidate. The idea for this originated from two important observations. First, in most labour markets there is no recognized qualification in treasury like CPA or CFA in other finance positions. Second, most companies do not employ many in treasury and they do not have the expertise to screen potential treasury staff. So how do you know your candidate brings what you are looking for?

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